Non-Sunday Events and Services

Below please see the list of 2025 Non-Sunday Events and Services

January 4, Saturday, 9:30 am: Service of Prayer for Great Blessing of the Waters for Theophany Season. This is not a Div. Liturgy.

January 19, Sunday, Annual Parish Meeting, Election of Parish Council Members, after Divine Liturgy at Fellowship.

February 24 – April 19, ***Meat-fare Lenten Season: Meatless Fellowship Meals at church fellowship. Please shop, prepare accordingly.

March 3 – April 19, ***Cheese-fare Lenten Season: Cheeseless and Dairyless Fellowship Meals at church fellowship. Please shop, prepare accordingly.

March 9 – Orthodox Sunday Icon Bidding -Auction. Invitation and explanation to be placed in February and March Church Bulletins. Reminders following Divine Liturgy/Services. Icon’s Listed for convenience and proper listing of names.

March 22, Saturday, 6:00 pm, Bishop’s Late Lunch/dinner with Priest and Parish Council Members for Bishop’s visit. Make Reservations at Local Restaurant.

March 23, Sunday Veneration of the Cross (Bishop Nikodhim’s visit in view of Annunciation Parish, Matronal Feast and *”Heritage Sunday”) – *Hier. Divine Liturgy – schedule Choir Rehearsals. *Memorial Remembrance prayers for departed Hierarchs, Priests and Prifteresha from Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese.

March 25, Tuesday, 9:30 am, Matronal Feast Day, Divine Liturgy (normal).

April 4, Friday, 6:30 pm, Akathist Service of Intercession to the Theotokos at Annunciation Parish, Natick with Bishop Nikodhim present, members of Annunciation Parish and invited members of local Archdiocesan parishes. Including Lenten- Fare Supper hosted by Annunciation Parish. – This service is not a Div. Lit.

April 16, Wednesday, 6:00 pm, (Blessing of Oil for Holy Unction/Annointing -Healing service) for Holy Wednesday. This service is not a Div. Lit.

April 17, Thursday, 9:30 am, Divine Liturgy for the (Institution of the Lord’s Supper)

April 17, Thursday, 6:00 pm, (Passion Service): Reading of Twelve Gospels, Placing of Body on the Cross. This service is not a Div. Lit.

April 18, Friday, 3:00 pm, (Vesperal Service) forTaking Down of Body from the Cross. This service is not a Div. Lit.

April 18, Friday, 6:00 pm, (Lamentations) Sung, Rose Water sprinkled, Epitaphios Procession in nave. This service is not a Div. Lit.

April 19, Saturday, 7:00 pm, (Most Holy Pascha Eve), Pascha services and Div. Liturgy followed by Breaking the Fast, Fellowship Dinner, Pascha Baskets.

May 29, Thursday, 9:30 am, Ascension Day, Div. Lit.

June 21, Saturday, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Wedding Rehearsal, Cuenca/Simeon Wedding Participants. Wedding Party Dinner at a separate location to follow.

June 22, Sunday, 2:00 – 3:00 pm, Sacrament of Marriage, Wedding of Lesley Cuenca and Antonio Simeon, Annunciation Church – Annunciation Parish Choir, requested. Choir Rehearsals to be scheduled.

August 6, Wednesday, 9:30 am, Transfiguration Day, Div. Lit.

August 15, Friday, 9:30 am, Dormition of Theotokos, Div. Lit.

September 8, Monday, 9:30 am, Birth of Theotokos, Div. Lit.

November 21, Friday, 9:30 am, Entry of Theotokos into Temple, Div. Lit.

December 24, Wed., 5:00 pm, Nativity, Christmas Eve, Matins, Div. Lit., & Trad. Hymns.